The fastest and most effective way to change your outcomes with women, of course, is to do coaching.
(Which is why you will get an invitation to apply after purchase)
But there is one problem with coaching.
It’s expensive.
And not just for you, the client.
But for me too.
You see, “The Masterclass” — which I’m going to explain to you in just a minute — was not actually developed to be a course for individual sale.
I filmed it because by the summer of 2019 I was at a breaking point.
Business was going well.
But it was almost going too well.
I had so many clients, I was on calls 35+ hours each week. The amount of time on the phone on a given day was 6, 8, sometimes 10 hours. On top of the rest of my work for the business, it was amounting to 70+ hour weeks… and I was getting burned out.
Moreover, I was starting to realize that I was getting burned out for no reason.
Almost every day I’d have the same conversation with a different guy. And as I got more clear on what was essential for these men to understand, and what they had to do to shift their situation… it started to hit me…
Why am I saying the same thing over and over again, when I can record it?
So I developed a plan.
I would create a lower-priced coaching program with this course as the backbone.
It would be an “encyclopedia” chock full of all the insights and advice that reformed not only mine but my clients’ dating lives, tripled their number of friends, and saved their marriages. The program would have less 1-1 time with me, but with the course it would achieve similar results.
It would be a win-win for me and my clients. They would save money, I’d make more, but I'd also get to help more guys.
But something happened after I recorded the course.
After talking all day for 3 days straight, covering topic after topic…
I realized it was so good, had SO much critical yet often neglected information in this field…
It HAD to be sold on its own.
Because lets face it.
Even if the price of coaching was lower, not everyone could still afford to drop a couple grand.
But ANYBODY serious about improving their outcomes with women can afford a $690 course.
Especially one over 18+ hours long covering in depth practically every ESSENTIAL topic pertaining to women. Each of the six modules are 2-3 hours long, plus nearly two hours of a "bonus" Q&As.
We're going to get to the details of all of that in a minute.
But before I explain what’s inside this course…
There’s something you need to understand. When students go through the course, they start to figure out solutions to where they are going wrong. They get the “why” behind their mistakes rather than “just be an asshole to get girls, bro”.
Then they can finally solve problems on their own, like meeting or attracting women.
Most courses out there give a 6-STEP SYSTEM FOR APPROACHING WOMEN, completely ignoring that every situation is different.
Systems are good crutches, but you’re no smarter than Chat-GPT if you can’t adapt in the moment.
Understand this: bad dating and relationship advice centers around dogmas.
For instance, The Red Pill for a long time has said the solution to “dead bedroom” relationships is to start running “dread game” — aka making yourself scarce, flirting with other women, and jacking up your real/perceived value.
The problem with this advice is that while it’s always good to get in shape, other parts may not be appropriate to the context.
Is the bedroom dead because you’re a needy little bitch?
Or is the bedroom dead because your communication is terrible?
Running dread game might save one relationship, while running it in another might destroy the relationship immediately.
Similarly, an opener for one girl in one situation might do really well… whereas in another, it would fall flat or completely backfire (great example: using lines for bar pick-up lines on girls in social settings).
Which is why I believe giving blanket advice like this devoid of context is akin to MALPRACTICE.
And while it may make people FEEL like they are “doing something” when they have some flawed, uncalibrated system to go off of…
I don’t want to be a part of it, because this is how you make bad problems worse.
There is no perfect system you can follow and say this “one ‘bizarre’ little line” to make women go crazy for you.
However, there are lots of men who have cleaned up their internal issues and now have no issues being themselves and attracting the right woman.
Which is why I teach PRINCIPLES and specific tactics to go along with them.
These timeless principles I talk about are engrained into every video in the course.