Starting immediately you need to perform proper strength training, at least once a week, for the rest of your life.
Literally in to your 90s and beyond.
I’m going to be super blunt here, strength training is the closest thing there is to a “magic bullet” or magic pill for life. Even though dietary choices make a bigger direct impact on your health, in terms of optional human activity, proper exercise is extremely powerful and important.
Nothing surpasses it.
Unlike sleeping, breathing, or eating – which are all mandatory – exercising by any method or style is not necessary in today’s environment.
Obviously some people just sit on the fucking couch all day pigging out on cheap, slimy bullshit.
This is important to keep in mind, because this optionality element is also directly related to why the fitness industry is such an unhinged cluster fuck of frauds, retards, and misinformation.
With regard to strength training, it needs to be intense, safe, hard, and slow. Very slow. Generally a minimum of four seconds in each direction, and a maximum of 10 seconds. That means single repetitions as long as 20 seconds, three reps taking an entire minute.
Cardio is completely gay (see Body by Science in the resources section). Explosive training is retarded, as is the vast majority of “functional training”. I cannot stress enough how stupid this bullshit is for the purposes of exercise and health. If you’re doing “explosive” training of any kind just stop and thank me later.
Seriously it’s gay, useless, and dangerous. Stop immediately.
I don’t care what your excuses are or what reasons you think you have. It’s all bullshit. You were fed bullshit by well meaning men, or lies by retards and conmen. Maybe a mix of all the above.
Don’t ever throw a weight around in a gym again as long as you live. Slow. The. Fuck. Down. Live to lift another day injury free.
The purpose of exercise is to fatigue skeletal muscle and stimulate an adaptive response that is a net positive to your health and fitness, with risk minimized to the maximum extent possible.
Safety should be your authentic #1 priority, not some hot air fluffy bullshit posted on a wall somewhere.
If it isn't, the day will come when you hurt yourself. It may take years or decades but it will happen. People have died from strength training and ended up in wheelchairs for life, don’t be that guy.
I’m serious, look up the horror stories online and you’ll be amazed at what you find.
Physical injuries from exercise – small, medium, or large – totally fuck up all of the benefits you were after. The only upside is that injuries expose in undeniable detail that what you were doing before was retarded. There was a contradiction in your workout protocol. Time and chance revealed it. Be thankful if it’s not permanent.
Bio-mechanics matter. Do not ever put a barbell over your face, head, neck, or spine. Barbell squats are super gay, deadlifts are almost as gay. Trap bar deadlifts in excellent form are slightly less gay but still probably useless.
“Power cleans” are for power retards when it comes to exercise. This is a complex athletic movement masquerading as a legitimate exercise.
Study biomechanics. Avoid like the plague anything that feels like a “stretch”. Working out is not for stretching. This is how you severely injure yourself. Never work through pain beyond simple burning. Anything that feels sharp or weird, stop immediately, put the weight down.
It’s never worth the risk. You can listen to me and learn the easy way, or you can tear a muscle (or worse) and learn the hard way.
When you workout, it should be super focused and super calm. Breathe as necessary. Do not squirm or make sudden movements, especially with your head/neck/spine. You should look like a stoic monk. Ignore all the yelling and screaming bravado bullshit. Focus.
Headphones are gay, this is not music class for faggots. Put in some $2 dollar ear plugs. Focus. Train to positive failure in good form. No squirming bullshit. Multiple sets are generally gay and useless. Don’t sacrifice form for another rep.
Perfect form > form > quantity of reps.
Study the work of Arthur Jones, Dr. Doug McGuff, Bill DeSimone, Dr. Ellington Darden, Mike Mentzer, and John Little.
Or watch this amazing free video below from a lecture at 21 University, from biomechanics expert Bill DeSimone.
This speech will set you straight on safely working out the rest of your life, which again, has to be your #1 priority in this context.
Alpha males need to be strong, but to be strong over a lifetime your workouts must be safe.
Otherwise you will be like a woman without instruction, always headed for destruction.
Access to The 10 Laws of The Alpha Male Master Class is included with your 21 University FREE trial.